2015 Hugos
There are a lot of things I could say on this topic. I won’t say all of them.
I’ll start here: Thanks so very much to all the people I ran into over the weekend who either told me they were rooting for Ancillary Sword, or told me they were sorry it didn’t win. I love you all.
But the fact is, it never was going to win. If it seemed even briefly as though it might this year, it was because of this year’s…unusual aspects. Had the final ballot been what it ought to have been, I think ideas about AS winning would have been pretty easily dismissable. I find this pretty ironic, actually.
I knew from the start that a lot of voters were going to be thinking that I already got mine last year. And you know what? They’re right. Last year, my book did not just win a couple of awards. It stomped all over Award City making Godzilla roars as bullets bounced off its chest. That’s enough Win to last me for quite a while, and I am entirely happy to see other books and other writers get the acclaim and attention they deserve. The nomination was my win–I knew that going in, and was perfectly happy with that.
So I went to the Hugos as a nominee, with all the validation that brings, but also without any nervousness or suspense, so I could actually enjoy all of that validation. And it was awesome.
Yeah, there were some skunks at that picnic. The voters gave their very clear opinion of those skunks. And Mithras willing, E Pluribus Hugo will pass for the second time next year and in 2017 we’ll be back to ballots that are full of works the voters love. That will doubtless include some skunk favorites, but that’s as it should be. I just don’t think anyone should be able to make the Hugo ballot nothing but their own choices.
I thought the ceremony itself was great, very entertaining, and the results just all around excellent. Three Body is a fabulous winner, absolutely deserving, and I couldn’t be more happy for Cixin Liu. And Ken Liu, but I got a chance to congratulate Ken in person.
If you care about the Hugos–not everyone does, and that’s cool–remember that you can have a voice. Read, talk about the works you love, and why you love them. Nominate the ones you love best. If you’re a new Hugo voter–welcome! Please nominate next year, and let others know that they, too can nominate and vote. It’s fun! Although, you know, I may just have a voting kink.
Anyway. I had a great time at the Hugos!