New Website!
Well, so, it’s been quiet over here, except a couple of weeks ago folks may have noticed some phantom “new post” tweets and Tumblr posts, which linked back either to a page that couldn’t be found, or some placeholder Lorem Ipsum sort of text. That was because the inestimable Jeremiah Tolbert, of the fabulous Clockpunk Studios, was redoing my website, and I forgot to warn him about my crossposter plugin, which, it turns out, is different from whatever any of his other clients use. So, sorry about that! But now the new site is live and beautiful!
I’ve been doing Stuff, most of it wonderful. I had lovely visits to Left Bank Books, and to the University City Public Library. Just the other evening I was out at the Washington, MO Public Library, thanks to local bookstore Neighborhood Reads. I had a great time, and met lots of lovely people!
Oh, and I taught a week of Clarion West! It was a great week, and I had a lovely time. I’m looking forward to you all being able to read the work of the wonderful writers I worked with there.
I’ve also been learning (kind of) how to draw and paint. For folks who are inexplicably interested in seeing my messy daily sketches, I’ve started a sideblog over on Tumblr where I post photos of my practice. HEADS UP: I’m taking a figure-drawing class (and also practicing at home using Youtube videos of people posing for figure-drawing practice, did you know there were videos for that?) so there are a fair number of pictures of naked people.
If you missed it, the anthology The Mythic Dream (edited by Dominik Parisien and Navah Wolfe) came out recently, with stories by lots of wonderful people, and even a story by me!
And speaking of short stories. This coming summer The Book of Dragons comes out from Harper Voyager. It’s edited by Jonathan Strahan, and contains lots of stories and some poetry–about dragons! One of those stories is by me and Rachel Swirsky. I can’t wait for you all to be able to read it.
I’ve also been reading some books–I’ll give details in another blog post, hopefully soon, because I’m behind in recommending things I really liked. I will say, though, that it’s entirely possible that I’ve read the Murderbot novel already, even though it doesn’t come out till next year, and more than possible that it’s just as fun as you hope it is.