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Wanna Hang Out?

On G+, I mean.

I ought to have blogged about this earlier, but have been head-down drafting Ancillary Mercy. I am momentarily raising my head, though, to let you all know about this hangout.

The New Classics of SF&F with N.K. Jemisin and Ann Leckie

It happens tomorrow–that is, Monday December 8 at 6pm Eastern.

I’m not sure if I have anything useful or profound to say about “the new classics” but N.K. Jemisin is awesome and chatting with her will be super fun, and it’ll be moderated by fabulous Orbit publicist Ellen Brady Wright. I think–I think!–viewers will be able to submit questions to the moderator. That’s how it worked the last time I did one of these. And if you can’t watch as it happens, the recording will be posted online for your viewing and listening pleasure.


Yeah, this is the time of year when people ask for money. Mostly, you know, because it’s the end(ish) of the year, and in the US donations to certain kinds of non-profit groups are tax deductible.

Anyway. Worldbuilders. Which is Patrick Rothfuss’ annual drive for donations to Heifer International. I’m a fan of Heifer International as well, as it happens, and so I very happily agreed to sign some books as part of Worldbuilders fundraising efforts.

So! For thirty bucks, you could get yourself a signed, first edition copy of Ancillary Sword. And help send goats or chicks or cows or bees or…and training so folks have a source of milk or eggs or honey or whatever that they can either use themselves or sell. They pass on the training they receive to other families, as well as some livestock or seeds or whatever it was they got. Check it out!

So, Worldbuilders. If you’re interested in a signed, first edition copy of Ancillary Sword, you can get that here, and also help a good cause.

“She Commands Me And I Obey” pt 1

The first part of “She Commands Me And I Obey” is now live!

I’m going to briefly say that this story is sort-of dedicated to my mother. In the last eight or so years of her life, she became an enormous Blues fan. The hockey team, not the music. She regularly bought season tickets and took various grandkids with her to the games. And this was, of course, during the first several years I was working on Ancillary Justice.

But it’s only sort-of dedicated, because my mother would not have particularly appreciated or enjoyed some aspects of the story, and I suspect she’d have been unamused at a dedication to her being put at the top of it. So I haven’t. But I’ll say here that I partly wrote it for her, and I also thank her for bringing me to the hockey game so often.

If you can, and haven’t already, please consider donating to Strange Horizons so part two can be unlocked ASAP. If you can’t, or already have, or have decided against it for whatever reason, do please tweet or blog–about She Commands, or about some other SH story you love, or just about SH.

And never fear being left hanging. Now the first part is up, I am determined the second will be, eventually. For now, let’s see how the fund drive goes.

Ancillary TV? Maybe.

So, several times in the past few months I’ve been asked if there was any chance of Ancillary Justice making it to the movies–or TV. And mostly I’ve replied that, wow, that would be awesome!

Which, actually, was mostly a kind of evasive answer, because stuff was maybe brewing behind the scenes but you don’t talk about that kind of stuff until it’s real. But now it’s real. Ish. And I am told that I can now blog about it!

Basically, Ancillary Justice has been optioned for TV. Now, “optioned” doesn’t necessarily mean that anything is going to actually happen–things get optioned and then never made, quite frequently.

So who has this option, you ask? It’s production company Fabrik and Fox Television Studios. They have previously worked together on THE KILLNG for four seasons on AMC and Netflix, and they started their relationship with BURN NOTICE, which ran for seven Seasons on USA.

Fabrik is currently in production on BOSCH, Amazon’s first ever hour-long drama pilot based on Michael Connelly’s best-selling Harry Bosch book series

Fox TV Studios is the studio behind THE AMERICANS for FX, and WHITE COLLAR, GRACELAND, and COMPLICATIONS at USA, among others.

Now. Like I said, this doesn’t mean there’ll ever actually be any Ancillary Justice on television. But it does mean there could be, and lately it seems like there’s been quite a lot of science fictional television turning up. So, who can say?

I am also aware, of course, that bringing AJ to any sort of screen (not counting your eReader screen, of course!) would be…an interestingly difficult project. I made sure to have a conversation with the folks at Fabrik about my specific concerns–namely, the approach to gender, and the issue of whitewashing (as in, I do not want to see the book whitewashed, I would like to namedrop LeGuin and mention her Earthsea experience here, thank you). I was very pleased with their response. And in fact, if I had been the least bit unhappy with how that conversation came out, I would not be writing this blog post now.

The fact remains that even with all the best intentions in the world, there’s a lot of leeway to really misstep badly in trying to bring AJ to any kind of visual medium. On the other hand, there is quite a lot of potential for a really good team to do something really cool, that may or may not be what I was trying to do with the book, but that is still something new and marvelous. And actually, I think the best adaptations work that way. It’s an exciting thought.

So, um, that’s my news! Remember–option. Option doesn’t mean anything’s actually happening. But the potential is there, and that’s tremendously cool!

Book Day! AMA Link! Misc Excitement!

So, it’s book day, and Ancillary Sword is officially out! Some folks did manage to score copies before today, which is totes fine with me, but today, well, today everyone ought to be able to find themselves a copy. Today it is officially released.

I had a fabulous time yesterday answering questions over at r/sciencefiction. A few questions appear to still be dribbling in, and I can’t promise I’ll get to them, but I’ll try. It was great fun, and a bunch of excellent questions.

The next two weeks are incredibly busy. If you’re in St Louis, you can find me at the University City Public Library tomorrow evening at 7pm, or at Left Bank Books on Monday the 13th (also 7pm), or at the Spencer Road Branch of the St. Charles Public Library on Thursday the 16th (7pm again!).

I’ll also be at Lit in the Lou this coming Saturday, October 11. I’m reading/signing/answering questions at 11am in the Main Tent, and on a panel, “Building Your SciFi/Fantasy World” at 1pm in the Writers Guild Tent 2.

So, there you go. I hope you enjoy Ancillary Sword, if you intend to read it. If not, well, here’s wishing you a wonderful day and that whatever book you are reading is marvelous.

Ask Me Anything!

People of the internet! I will be doing a Reddit AMA on Monday, October 6 at r/sciencefiction.

It should be interesting. And fun! So, if you have a question, or if one occurs to you between now and then, well, this is your chance!

Editing to add–the way I understand it, I’ll put up a post on Monday morning introducing myself, and inviting questions. Then I’ll go away for a while, and when I come back I will answer the questions that have accumulated. I think you do need to have a reddit account to post questions. If you object to having a reddit account, or are unable to make one, and no one asks your question, I’ll likely try to answer them here. But not till Monday. 😀

Ancillary Giveaway 3

This is it! The third, and final Goodreads giveaway. Two copies of Ancillary Sword are waiting to see who they’ll be mailed to come Friday!

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Ancillary Sword by Ann Leckie

Ancillary Sword

by Ann Leckie

Giveaway ends October 02, 2014.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

Enter to win

If the widget doesn’t work, click this link to enter.

Also, it’s one week till book day! So if you don’t get a copy, or don’t already have it for one reason or another, it won’t be long before you can get your very own!

Chapter 2 of Ancillary Sword on io9

I am apparently a blogging machine today! Because there’s lots of stuff, I guess.

So. Last week I told you that Chapter 1 of Ancillary Sword was available on Orbit’s website. Today, io9 has posted Chapter 2.

Of course, if you’ve pre-ordered Ancillary Sword you already have access to the first three chapters, and you’re saying “oh, that? I’ve already read that.” But if you haven’t–if you haven’t pre-ordered yet, or for whatever reason pre-ordering isn’t in the cards for you, well, enjoy chapter two!