Your Complete List of Emanations Files
So! I talked about the Emanations in several different posts, but here are the files all in one place:
EtrepaBo SVG File (with layers if your application opens it that way. Adobe Illustrator will)
EtrepaBo PSD File (CMYK Gimp will NOT open this file)
EtrepaBo PSD File (RGB Gimp will open this file. It is also very large.)
Color Images
EtrepaBo colored by Nikki
EskVar SVG File (with layers if your application opens it that way. Adobe Illustrator will)
EskVar PSD File (CMYK Gimp will NOT open this file)
EskVar PSD File (RGB Gimp will open this file)
IssaInu SVG File (with layers if your application opens it that way. Adobe Illustrator will)
IssaInu PSD File (CMYK Gimp will NOT open this file)
IssaInu PSD File (RGB Gimp will open this file)
VahnItr SVG File (with layers if your application opens it that way. Adobe Illustrator will)
VahnItr PSD File (CMYK Gimp will NOT open this file)
VahnItr PSD File (RGB Gimp will open this file)
Each of these files contains the “full” Emanation and both of its halves.
If you don’t already have the software to manipulate these images, Gimp is available for free here. I’ve also seen Inkscape suggested.
These were all designed and made by Nicole Thayer. Use them however you want (as long as it’s not for commercial purposes), but do try to credit Nikki in some way if you use them.