Poems! Judgement! Bonus Cinquain!
Today is the first day of July, which means yesterday was the 30th of June and the “finish the duck limerick” entry period is over. Judging will now begin!
It might take a while. I got a whole raft of fabulous entries, and I don’t envy my distinguished panel of judges the job of picking out the three best. I really enjoyed reading your last lines a lot, and laughed out loud several times.
At any rate, I have turned the entries over to the judges. I can’t say when we’ll have results, but I’m looking forward to seeing them!
In the meantime, have an actual, honest-to-goodness poem on the assigned topic, “Tell me in verse, citizen, how God is like a duck.”
The trait
That God and ducks
Share, for different reasons:
Neither of them seeks shelter from
The rain
(cinquain, sorry)
— James Panek (@thepanekroom) June 28, 2015
Seriously, absolutely no apology necessary for that!