Oh, by the way, I’m not eligible for the Campbell
Breaking my break again, since a few people have asked, and I know people are thinking about their ballots. But, as the subject line says.
My first short fiction sale started the clock ticking, back in 2006–my first sale was “Hesperia and Glory” to the John Scalzi-edited issue of Subterranean, and it appeared thereafter in Rich Horton’s years best antho. A great way to start off, right? I think so!
But not only does short fiction have a smaller audience than novels, I was also never terribly visible on the short fiction scene. This is not a complaint, it is a statement of fact. And partly because of that, a lot of people who are reading Ancillary Justice aren’t aware of my short fiction publications and some of those people have, very flatteringly, wondered if I might be eligible for the Campbell.
I’m honored and flattered that people would consider nominating me. But I’m not actually all that new a writer, and am not eligible.
(Here is where I whisper “Benjanun Sriduankaew” again. And “Sofia Samatar.”)
I’ve only just come across your writing through your book ‘Ancillary Justice’, but I’ll be searching your short stories out next since you’re filling a niche that I think was shared by Iain Banks here in Scotland – a look at how AI and humanity might develop and co-exist. In Iain’s case I enjoyed the wicked humour and the non macho viewpoint. I was delighted by your decision to use only the feminine pronoun and by the ‘all knowing’, music loving, multi- bodied AI Breq. Very much looking forward to reading on.