I Can Haz ConFusion Schedule!

Like it says in the sidebar on my website (look to the right if you’re reading this on annleckie.com), I’ll be at ConFusion! And I have a schedule:

Friday 7:00:00 PM Opening Ceremonies
Welcome to Back to the ConFusion! Meet our GoHs and special guests!
Anna Carey, Jessica Zerwas, Alaya Dawn Johnson, Ann Leckie, Cameron McClure, Gordon Smith, Kelley Armstrong
Friday 8:00:00 PM Dessert Reception
A meet and greet with our GoHs. Mix, mingle, and enjoy some sweet treats.
Kentaro Toyama, Anna Carey, Jessica Zerwas, Alaya Dawn Johnson, Ann Leckie, Cameron McClure, Gordon Smith, Kelley Armstrong
Saturday 10:00:00 AM Science Fiction vs. Fantasy: Who Prospers?
Ted Chiang once postulated that the difference between science fiction and fantasy is who has access to the impossibility. Does a knowable universe whose laws anyone can learn, and everyone has to work within, offer a more egalitarian vision than a world of destiny and fate? Or is it difficult to imagine even a science fictional world in which the future is evenly distributed?
Douglas Hulick, Bradley P. Beaulieu (M), Andrew Zimmerman, Ann Leckie, Kentaro Toyama
Saturday 3:00:00 PM Interview: Ann Leckie
Ann Leckie, Subterranean Special Guest and recent New York Times bestseller, interviewed by her first editor–John Scalzi
John Scalzi (M), Ann Leckie
Saturday 4:00:00 PM Autograph Session 1
Saturday 6:00:00 PM It’s the Economy Stupid
National economies are complicated. Far more complicated than Dark Lords and Evil Queens. Nevertheless, books like James SA Corey’s The Expanse series and Katherine Addison’s The Goblin Emperor manage to use economic pressures to create compelling motivations and narrative tension. What are the essential parts for a story built around economics? What’s appealing about these kinds of stories and do the resonate more today than they did a decade ago?
Carl Engle-Laird, Max Gladstone, Kameron Hurley (M), Ann Leckie, Brent Weeks
Sunday 12:00:00 PM Repudiating the Replicator
Driven, perhaps, by Star Trek’s replicator and the utilitarian mush of NASA space travel, food in a science fictional setting has been criminally overlooked and underdeveloped. Why has this become the dominant narrative? How should food be used to world build a science fiction story? What stories have used food effectively?
Lawrence Schoen, Elizabeth Shack (M), Alaya Dawn Johnson, Ann Leckie, Adam Rakunas
Sunday 3:00:00 PM Closing Ceremonies
Time to bid another ConFusion good-bye. Join us to wrap up an amazing weekend.
Anna Carey, Alaya Dawn Johnson, Jessica Zerwas, Ann Leckie, Kelley Armstrong

Actually I’m not a hundred percent sure about the Closing Ceremonies, given the timing of my flight home. We’ll see.

At any rate, I look forward to seeing folks there! I plan to have pins and badge ribbons, so stop by and say hi!

2 thoughts on “I Can Haz ConFusion Schedule!

  1. W
    Wilson F says:

    Wow, I’d love to see any of those events, but I’m particularly sad to miss seeing John Scalzi interview you. I hope that gets recorded!

  2. Adam Rakunas says:

    I think we should have a potluck picnic at the panel on Sunday at noon, seeing how the panel is about food and it’s also during lunchtime.

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