Back home for a while, and miscellaneous

So, that was an eventful couple of weeks! I’ve been thinking “I should totally write a blog post about this/that/the other thing” and then realizing that actually I just want to not do anything for a while.

Which means that I’ve got kind of a list of things to share. Which, okay. List!

1) I have a Facebook account, but I pretty much never use it. Lots of people want to friend me on Facebook lately, though! Which is nice and all, but.

So, I made an Ann Leckie page on Facebook. I will try to remember to post things to it. But that’ll be better than my actual Facebook account, which I basically ignore unless someone tags me or sends a friends request.

2) Last week, Ancillary Mercy hit the New York Times Bestseller List! Only for the one week, and it was the very bottom of the list, but it counts! I am now officially a best-selling author, and AM is a bestseller. Which is kind of super awesome.

3) You may have noticed there are a number of songs in the trilogy. A few of them are real, existing songs, but many of them aren’t. The always awesome Foz Meadows has set “It All Goes Around” to a tune of her own, and then that kind of started some stuff. I’d give a bunch of links here, but Abi Sutherland at Making Light has gathered them all together, including a link to Foz’s tune, so I’ll link to that.

4)For those of you keeping tabs on my Etsy store, well, I ran out of Awn Elming pins halfway through my tour the other week. I’m ordering more today, but it will take a couple of weeks for those to come in. Once they do, I’ll probably start listing batches again. And the Translator Dlique pins, and the Spoiler pins as well.

5)Big thanks to Subterranean Books and the University City Library for hosting my Ancillary Mercy release party. Cookies were eaten, wine was drunk, books were signed, and it was a great evening.

I think that’s it, actually. Well, I went to ICON40 and had a fabulous time, but that really ought to be a post of its own. Maybe not today, though, so let me just say that ICON was a great time and I really appreciate all the hard work of concom and all the volunteers to make it such a wonderful weekend.

4 thoughts on “Back home for a while, and miscellaneous

  1. K
    Kat says:

    Link for your Etsy store? 🙂

    1. A
      Andrea says:

      Hi Kat –

      I found the link to Ann’s Etsy store in a blog post from April 16. See below…

  2. D
    Denise Cataudella says:

    Someone finally put that song to music! Thank goodness. I’d listened to the series on Audible before reading the books and I was dismayed at the narrator’s interpretation of the song. This version works beautifully. Thank you Foz Meadows. Now if I can just convince Subterranean Books to sell me a copy of “Ancillary Sword” since I missed out on purchasing “Ancillary Justice.” I haven’t been this obsessed over a set of books since Butler’s “Parable of the Sower” and Bujold’s “Vorkosigan” series. Kudos Ann!


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