Tonight I’ll be at the University City Library!
Wanna come meet me? Maybe hear me read a bit, maybe ask me a question or two? Wanna buy a copy of Ancillary Mercy and have me sign it?
Subterranean Books (not the publisher, the St. Louis bookstore) will have copies for sale, and if I get my act together there will be cookies.
See you there!
You make a persuasive case, but unfortunately I don’t live in U. City any more.
Just finished reading Ancillary Mercy. I’m still under its spell, and a bit sad that I’m out of that world, away from those characters I cared so much about.
It was one of the best experiences of immersion into a different world. The details of the sophistication of the culture described, the sensitivity to the character’s interaction and indeed, the psychology of relationships, the intelligent treatment of hierarchical structures, their instability and the political development, it made for a truly delightful read. This trilogy is also a poignant contribution to the discussion of artificial intelligence and treatment of other species. The character of the translator describes very well the problematic of communication between very different (alien) species, the humour in the interaction with the ship Sphene is a nice touch I appreciated a lot. As a practising Zen Buddhist I related very well to the ceremony of making and drinking tea.
All in all: intelligent, sensitive, delicate, a delightful read. Thank you for your care and effort in producing these books.