
The Emanation of Movement and Stillness:

8-11-15 ancillary justice drafts-13

Which breaks down into Movement:

8-11-15 ancillary justice drafts-14

And Stillness:

8-11-15 ancillary justice drafts-15

Reminding folks who don’t think they have drawing skills, the more elaborate elements of these doubtless have super-schematic versions. I’m betting there’s a version of this that looks like Stillness=heavy vertical line, Motion=asterisk kind of thing, Movement/Stillness=Dark heavy line with light asterisk behind it. Even I could draw that. And I bet that’s what the small IssaInu looked like that Syrix was wearing, in Ancillary Sword, now I think of it.

And of course–you can print things out and glue or sticker them to things. Check the EtrepaBo post for more specific suggestions, but really you can do almost anything with these.

Here’s an SVG file for you to play with:


This is an SVG file with layers. Gimp will open it but it won’t see the layers. I’m told the file (and the corresponding ones for the other Emanations) was made in Adobe Illustrator and will open in that application.

Here’s a PSD file with layers:


This uses the CMYK color scheme. Gimp won’t open it. Presumably Photoshop will. Nicole has said she’ll convert these over to RGB when she gets a chance, at which point I’ll upload those and link them.

Nicole tells me she’s tried very hard to make these layers clear and easy for folks to work with, so y’all can manipulate these and play with them to your heart’s content. And I want to thank her again for doing such awesome work! Please do try to credit her when you use these images, if you can.

6 thoughts on “IssaInu

  1. m
    mcbadger says:

    Nice! Inkscape is good for working with SVG files, and is FOSS, for folks without Photoshop. I checked quickly and it handled the SVG much better than GIMP did.

  2. W
    Wilson F says:

    Danged sans serif fonts: I keep reading this as Issalnu (uppercase ISSALNU) instead of IssaInu and having to give my head a shake. : )

    (Okay, it’s not really the font’s fault, it’s my own, but it’s still a little disorienting…)

    1. W
      Wilson F says:

      Also, I may need to figure out how to get a different avatar; I’m really not angry…

      1. Ann says:

        Get yourself a Gravatar account:

        Link it to your WordPress account, and you’ll be able to customize your avatar.

  3. M
    Margo Hurwicz says:

    This is my favorite so far. I wonder if I can make an Issalnu with a body outline more similar to my own. Smaller waist, broader hips, that is. would that be culturally acceptable? I’m guessing yes, because a strong dark vertical line with a lighter asterisk behind is acceptable.

    1. Ann says:

      It absolutely would be acceptable! I don’t doubt there are lots of variations on the basic form. 😀

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