Monday Morning Misc (feat. Locus!!)
Last Wednesday I had a lovely G+ Hangout visit with the SF1 Science Fiction Book Club. (Link goes to a Facebook group.) It was a delightful meeting, we had some lovely conversation, some of it even aboutAncillary Justice. I had a great time.
I have also recently acquired a box of bookplates. Now, they’re nothing fancy. They’re these ones, in fact. I’ve had a few emails from people who have copies of Ancillary Justice who want them signed, but who have very little chance of getting their books into my hands. So. If you are one of those people, and you’re in the US, send me a note–nothing fancy, “May I please have a signed bookplate” will suffice–and a self addressed stamped #10 envelope, and I’ll sign a bookplate, put it in the envelope, and drop it in the mail. Sound good? Here’s the address:
PO Box 190308
St Louis MO 63119
If you’re not in the US–Orbit has actually been sending me batches of bookplates to sign for the UK. I just sent back a fresh batch. If you can’t find any of those, and you don’t run across me at Worldcon, email me and we’ll figure something out.
Last, but absolutely not least, Saturday the Locus Awards were announced. I couldn’t make it to Seattle–which made me kind of sad, I’d have loved to have gone. Instead Rashida Smith represented me, and had a speech all ready to read for me, saved to her phone. Ancillary Justice was up for Best First Novel. Which it won! I really cannot tell you how pleased I am about that. It was certainly a privilege to see my book in such a great list of finalists. Congratulations to all the finalists, and all the winners!